using GLMakie using ColorTypes using ColorSchemes """ Predefined color map functions. Receives - `cmap`: colormap - `logs`: vector of `CoordLog` - `n`: number of returning ticks and returns tuple of 1. vector of `Colorant` 2. ticks to pass to `Colorbar`, which is a Tuple of 1. vector of tick location (0 to 1) 2. vector of tick labels (strings) Any function (or struct) which behaves like this can be used for `lcolormapfunc` and `mcolormapfunc` kwargs of `trace2ds`. # Types [`ColorMapFunc`](@ref) is a supertype of all of these. # Interface Define these methods for the ColorMapFunc. (cmap, logs, n) -> Vector{Colorant}, ticks """ module ColorMapFuncs using ..CoordVisualize: CoordLog, n_coords using ColorTypes using Dates: DateTime, DateFormat, @dateformat_str, format using Makie: wong_colors, Scene """ # Methods (f::ColorMapFunc)(cmap, logs) Helper struct for those use vector of 0 to 1 floats. Example functions are [`Date`](@ref) and [`Altitude`](@ref). """ abstract type ColorMapFunc end function (f::ColorMapFunc)(cmap, logs, n) steps, ticklabels = f(logs, n) ticks = collect(LinRange(0, 1, n)) return get.(Ref(cmap), steps), (ticks, ticklabels) end "Use same color." struct Constant <: ColorMapFunc color::Colorant end Constant(c::Symbol) = Constant(parse(Colorant, c)) function (c::Constant)(map, logs, n) # Iterators.repeated(c.color, length(logs)) fill(c.color, sum(n_coords, logs)), ([], []) end "Use colormap." struct ColorMap <: ColorMapFunc colormap::AbstractVector{<:Colorant} end ColorMap() = ColorMap(wong_colors()) ColorMap(cmap::Vector{Symbol}) = ColorMap(map(cmap) do s parse(Colorant, s) end) function ColorMap(scene::Scene) ColorMap(theme(scene, :linecolor)) end function (cm::ColorMap)(map, logs, n) cm = Iterators.cycle(cm.colormap) nlog_s =, logs) colors =, nlog_s)) do (color, count) Iterators.repeated(color, count) end |> Iterators.flatten |> collect return colors, ([], []) end "Color depending on log date." struct Date <: ColorMapFunc end function (::Date)(logs::AbstractVector{CoordLog{T}}, n) where {T} dformat = dateformat"yyyy-m-d" logdates::Vector{DateTime} = map(logs) do log fill(log.logdate, n_coords(log)) end |> (v -> vcat(v...)) fst, lst = extrema(logdates) normeddate = (logdates .- fst) ./ (lst - fst) diff = (lst - fst) / (n - 1) ticklabels = format.(fst:diff:lst, dformat) return normeddate, ticklabels end "Color depending on altitude." struct Altitude <: ColorMapFunc end function (f::Altitude)(logs::AbstractVector{CoordLog{T}}, n) where {T} altitudes = map(logs) do log do c c[2] end end |> Iterators.flatten |> collect low, high = extrema(altitudes) normedalt = (altitudes .- low) ./ (high - low) ticklabels = string.(round.(LinRange(low, high, n))) return normedalt, ticklabels end end # module ColorMapFunc # TODO: alpha? """ trace2ds(log::Vector{CoordLog}) # Arguments TODO """ @recipe(Trace2Ds, log) do scene Attributes(; showmarker = false, marker = theme(scene, :marker), markercolormap = theme(scene, :colormap), markersize = theme(scene, :markersize), strokewidth = 0, showline = true, linecolormap = theme(scene, :colormap), linestyle = theme(scene, :linestyle), linewidth = theme(scene, :linewidth), inspectable = theme(scene, :inspectable), lcolormapfunc = ColorMapFuncs.ColorMap(), # or func like in ColorMapFunc mcolormapfunc = ColorMapFuncs.ColorMap(), lcolorticks = nothing, nlcolorticks = 5, mcolorticks = nothing, nmcolorticks = 5, ) end function Makie.plot!(tr2d::Trace2Ds) # @info "logs" tr2d # @info "fieldnames" tr2d.log # @info "" theme(tr2d, :colormap) lcolormapfunc = tr2d.lcolormapfunc ntraces = length(tr2d.log[]) # number of CoordLog linesegs = Observable(Point2f[]) points = Observable(Point2f[]) altitudes = Observable(Float64[]) point_ids = Observable(Tuple{Int64, Int64}[]) notes = Observable(String[]) if tr2d.markercolormap[] isa Symbol tr2d.markercolormap[] = getproperty(ColorSchemes, tr2d.markercolormap[]) end markercolors = Observable( tr2d.mcolormapfunc[](tr2d.markercolormap[], tr2d.log[], tr2d.nmcolorticks[])[1], ) mticks = tr2d.mcolorticks if tr2d.linecolormap[] isa Symbol tr2d.linecolormap[] = getproperty(ColorSchemes, tr2d.linecolormap[]) end # @info "lcolormapfunc" lcolormapfunc linecolors = Observable(lcolormapfunc[](tr2d.linecolormap[], tr2d.log[], tr2d.nlcolorticks[])[1]) lticks = tr2d.lcolorticks # helper function which mutates observables function update_plot( logs::AbstractVector{<:CoordLog{T}}, lcolormap, mcolormap, lcolormapfunc, #::Union{Symbol, Tuple{Symbol, Symbol}}, mcolormapfunc, ) where {T} @info "update_plot" markercolors[] linecolors[] # @info "logs on update_plot" logs # init empty!(linesegs[]) empty!(points[]) empty!(altitudes[]) empty!(point_ids[]) empty!(markercolors[]) if linecolors[] isa AbstractVector empty!(linecolors[]) else linecolors[] = [] end # update colors_count = 1 lcolors, lticks[] = lcolormapfunc(lcolormap, logs, tr2d.nlcolorticks[]) mcolors, mticks[] = mcolormapfunc(mcolormap, logs, tr2d.nmcolorticks[]) for (i, log) in enumerate(logs) first = true for (j, point) in enumerate(eachrow(log.coords)) push!(linesegs[], Point2f(point[1], point[3])) push!(linesegs[], Point2f(point[1], point[3])) push!(points[], Point2f(point[1], point[3])) push!(altitudes[], point[2]) push!(point_ids[], (i, j)) push!(linecolors[], lcolors[colors_count]) push!(linecolors[], lcolors[colors_count]) push!(markercolors[], mcolors[colors_count]) colors_count += 1 # # marker # if !isnothing(mcolormapfunc) # push!(markercolors[], mcolormapfunc(logs)[i]) # end if first pop!(linesegs[]) pop!(linecolors[]) first = false else # # colors # if !isnothing(lcolormapfunc) # push!(linecolors[], lcolormapfunc(logs)[i]) # end end end pop!(linesegs[]) pop!(linecolors[]) push!(notes[], log.note) end markercolors[] = markercolors[] linecolors[] = linecolors[] end Makie.Observables.onany( update_plot, tr2d.log, tr2d.linecolormap, tr2d.markercolormap, lcolormapfunc, tr2d.mcolormapfunc, ) # init update_plot( tr2d.log[], tr2d.linecolormap[], tr2d.markercolormap[], lcolormapfunc[], tr2d.mcolormapfunc[], ) linesegments!( tr2d, linesegs, color = linecolors, linewidth = tr2d.linewidth, linestyle = tr2d.linestyle, visible = tr2d.showline, # inspector_label = (self, i, pos) -> ) scatter!( tr2d, points, color = markercolors, markersize = tr2d.markersize, strokewidth = tr2d.strokewidth, visible = tr2d.showmarker, inspector_label = (self, i, pos) -> begin logid, pointid = point_ids[][i] """ log: $(logid), point: $(pointid) x: $(lpad(round(pos[1], digits = 1), 7)) y: $(lpad(round(altitudes[][i], digits = 1), 7)) z: $(lpad(round(pos[2], digits = 1), 7)) $(tr2d.log[][logid].note) """ end, ) # @info "dump" dump(tr2d, maxdepth = 1) # @info "attributes" dump(tr2d.attributes, maxdepth = 3) tr2d end