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2 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
d104726b73 update: julials: automatically create tracecompile.jl file at setup 2024-06-25 19:37:11 +09:00
6fb7a8f544 update README 2024-06-25 19:36:59 +09:00
3 changed files with 19 additions and 6 deletions

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@ -7,16 +7,18 @@ my dotfiles
- AHK macro
- wezterm
- etc
- Ubuntu 20.04 on WSL
- fish
- Arch/Manjaro
- Arch
- fish
- tmux
- neovim
- keyboard config(xremap)
- wezterm
- Ubuntu 22.04 on WSL
- fish
- Termux
## extra
- qpdfview
- okular
# Installing
@ -29,11 +31,20 @@ my dotfiles
6. run `bin/install.ps1`
### note
* manual install lean
* manually install lean
## Linux
1. install fish
2. run
1. run
# Neovim
## Julia
### Initial setup
- `./bin/neovim/setup_julials.jl` to set up environment with LanguageServer.jl
<!-- - Edit `init.lua` not to use sysimage and edit some julia code -->
- `./bin/neovim/update_julials.jl` to generate sysimage for faster startup time
Edit `init.lua` to change arguments for julials.
- Iron.nvim doesn't work for julia on Windows

View file

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ if !ispath(project_path)
@info "Created $(project_path)"
touch(joinpath(project_path, "tracecompile.jl"))
catch e
@error e
@error dump(e)

View file

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ cd(project_path)
@info "now at " pwd()
run(`julia --project=. -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.update()'`)
compile_traces = Iterators.filter(eachline("tracecompile.jl")) do line
# Remove anonymous functions from compile trace
!startswith(line, '#') && !occursin(r"\#\d+\#\d+", line)
end |> join
read("precompile_exec_head.jl", String) * compile_traces |> (b -> write("precompile_exec.jl", b))