use anyhow::{Context, Result}; use chrono::Local; use console::Style; use std::{ env, path::{self, Path, PathBuf}, }; use crate::{ backups::{Backup, Backups}, devices::{self, Device}, storages::{self, Storage, StorageExt, Storages}, util, }; // TODO: fine styling like `backup list`, or should I just use the same style? pub(crate) fn cmd_status( path: Option, show_storage: bool, show_backup: bool, config_dir: &Path, ) -> Result<()> { let path = path.unwrap_or(env::current_dir().context("Failed to get current directory.")?); let current_device = devices::get_device(config_dir)?; if show_storage { let storages = storages::Storages::read(config_dir)?; let storage = util::min_parent_storage(&path, &storages, ¤t_device); trace!("storage {:?}", storage); // TODO: recursively trace all storages for subdirectory? match storage { Some(storage) => { println!("Storage: {}", } None => { println!("Storage: None"); } } } if show_backup { let devices = devices::get_devices(config_dir)?; let storages = storages::Storages::read(config_dir)?; let backups = devices.iter().map(|device| { Backups::read(config_dir, device) .context("Backups were not found") .unwrap() }); let (target_storage, target_diff_from_storage) = util::min_parent_storage(&path, &storages, ¤t_device) .context("Target path is not covered in any storage")?; let covering_backup: Vec<_> = devices .iter() .zip(backups) .map(|(device, backups)| { debug!( "dev {}, storage {:?}",, backups .list .iter() .map(|(backup_name, backup)| format!( "{} {}", backup_name, backup.source().storage )) .collect::>() ); ( device, parent_backups( &target_diff_from_storage, target_storage, backups, &storages, device, ), ) }) .collect(); trace!("{:?}", covering_backup.first()); let name_len = &covering_backup .iter() .map(|(_, backups)| { backups .iter() .map(|(backup, _path)| .max() .unwrap_or(0) }) .max() .unwrap_or(5); for (backup_device, covering_backups) in covering_backup { if covering_backups.is_empty() { continue; } println!("Device: {}",; for (backup, path_from_backup) in covering_backups { let (last_backup, style) = match backup.last_backup() { Some(log) => { let timediff = Local::now() - log.datetime; ( util::format_summarized_duration(timediff), util::duration_style(timediff), ) } None => ("---".to_string(), Style::new().red()), }; println!( " {:( target_path_from_storage: &'a Path, target_storage: &'a Storage, backups: Backups, storages: &'a Storages, device: &'a Device, ) -> Vec<(Backup, PathBuf)> { trace!("Dev {:?}",; let target_path = match target_storage.mount_path(device) { Some(target_path) => target_path.join(target_path_from_storage), None => return vec![], }; trace!("Path on the device {:?}", target_path); backups .list .into_iter() .filter_map(|(_k, backup)| { let backup_path = backup.source().path(storages, device)?; trace!("{:?}", backup_path.components()); let diff = pathdiff::diff_paths(&target_path, backup_path.clone())?; trace!("Backup: {:?}, Diff: {:?}", backup_path, diff); // note: Should `RootDir` is included in this list? if diff .components() .any(|c| matches!(c, path::Component::ParentDir | path::Component::Prefix(_))) { None } else { Some((backup, diff)) } }) .collect() } #[cfg(test)] mod test { use std::{path::PathBuf, vec}; use crate::{ backups::{self, ExternallyInvoked}, devices, storages::{self, online_storage::OnlineStorage, StorageExt}, util, }; use super::parent_backups; #[test] fn test_parent_backups() { let device1 = devices::Device::new("device_1".to_string()); let mut storage1 = storages::Storage::Online(OnlineStorage::new( "storage_1".to_string(), "smb".to_string(), 1_000_000, "str1".to_string(), PathBuf::from("/home/foo/"), &device1, )); let storage2 = storages::Storage::Online(OnlineStorage::new( "storage_2".to_string(), "smb".to_string(), 1_000_000_000, "str2".to_string(), PathBuf::from("/"), &device1, )); let device2 = devices::Device::new("device_2".to_string()); storage1 .bound_on_device("alias".to_string(), PathBuf::from("/mnt/dev"), &device2) .unwrap(); let storage3 = storages::Storage::Online(OnlineStorage::new( "storage_3".to_string(), "smb".to_string(), 2_000_000_000, "str2".to_string(), PathBuf::from("/"), &device2, )); let storages = { let mut storages = storages::Storages::new(); storages.add(storage1).unwrap(); storages.add(storage2).unwrap(); storages.add(storage3).unwrap(); storages }; let backup1 = backups::Backup::new( "backup_1".to_string(),, backups::BackupTarget { storage: "storage_1".to_string(), path: vec!["bar".to_string()], }, backups::BackupTarget { storage: "storage_1".to_string(), path: vec!["hoge".to_string()], }, backups::BackupCommand::ExternallyInvoked(ExternallyInvoked::new( "cmd".to_string(), "".to_string(), )), ); let backup2 = backups::Backup::new( "backup_2".to_string(),, backups::BackupTarget { storage: "storage_1".to_string(), path: vec!["".to_string()], }, backups::BackupTarget { storage: "storage_3".to_string(), path: vec!["foo".to_string()], }, backups::BackupCommand::ExternallyInvoked(ExternallyInvoked::new( "cmd".to_string(), "".to_string(), )), ); let backups = { let mut backups = backups::Backups::new(); backups.add(backup1).unwrap(); backups.add(backup2).unwrap(); backups }; let target_path1 = PathBuf::from("/home/foo/bar/hoo"); let (target_storage1, target_path_from_storage1) = util::min_parent_storage(&target_path1, &storages, &device1) .expect("Failed to get storage"); let covering_backups_1 = parent_backups( &target_path_from_storage1, target_storage1, backups.clone(), &storages, &device1, ); assert_eq!(covering_backups_1.len(), 2); let target_path2 = PathBuf::from("/mnt/"); let (target_storage2, target_path_from_storage2) = util::min_parent_storage(&target_path2, &storages, &device2) .expect("Failed to get storage"); let covering_backups_2 = parent_backups( &target_path_from_storage2, target_storage2, backups.clone(), &storages, &device2, ); assert_eq!(covering_backups_2.len(), 0); let target_path3 = PathBuf::from("/mnt/dev/foo"); let (target_storage3, target_path_from_storage3) = util::min_parent_storage(&target_path3, &storages, &device2) .expect("Failed to get storage"); let covering_backups_3 = parent_backups( &target_path_from_storage3, target_storage3, backups, &storages, &device2, ); assert_eq!(covering_backups_3.len(), 1); let mut covering_backup_names_3 = covering_backups_3.iter().map(|(backup, _)|; assert_eq!(, "backup_2"); assert!(; } }