use std::path::{self, PathBuf}; use anyhow::{Context, Result}; use chrono::TimeDelta; use console::Style; use crate::{ devices::Device, storages::{Storage, StorageExt, Storages}, }; /// Find the closest parent storage from the `path`. pub fn min_parent_storage<'a>( path: &PathBuf, storages: &'a Storages, device: &'a Device, ) -> Option<(&'a Storage, PathBuf)> { let (name, pathdiff) = storages .list .iter() .filter_map(|(k, storage)| { let storage_path = storage.mount_path(device)?; let diff = pathdiff::diff_paths(path, storage_path)?; if diff .components() .any(|c| matches!(c, path::Component::ParentDir | path::Component::Prefix(_))) { None } else { Some((k, diff)) } }) .min_by_key(|(_k, pathdiff)| { pathdiff .components() .collect::>() .len() })?; let storage = storages.get(name)?; Some((storage, pathdiff)) } /// Expand first `~` in path as `home_dir`. pub fn expand_tilde(path: PathBuf) -> Result { if path.components().next() == Some(path::Component::Normal("~".as_ref())) { let mut expanded_path = dirs::home_dir().context("Failed to expand home directory.")?; for c in path.components().skip(1) { expanded_path.push(c) } Ok(expanded_path) } else { Ok(path) } } pub fn format_summarized_duration(dt: chrono::Duration) -> String { if dt.num_days() > 0 { format!("{}d", dt.num_days()) } else if dt.num_hours() > 0 { format!("{}h", dt.num_hours()) } else { format!("{}min", dt.num_minutes()) } } pub fn duration_style(time: TimeDelta) -> Style { match time { x if x < TimeDelta::days(7) => Style::new().green(), x if x < TimeDelta::days(14) => Style::new().yellow(), x if x < TimeDelta::days(28) => Style::new().magenta(), x if x < TimeDelta::days(28 * 3) => Style::new().red(), x if x < TimeDelta::days(180) => Style::new().red().bold(), _ => Style::new().on_red().black(), } } #[cfg(test)] mod test { use anyhow::Result; use std::path::PathBuf; use crate::{ devices::Device, storages::{online_storage::OnlineStorage, Storage, StorageExt, Storages}, }; use super::{expand_tilde, min_parent_storage}; #[test] fn test_min_parent_storage() -> Result<()> { let device = Device::new("name".to_string()); let storage1 = Storage::Online(OnlineStorage::new( "storage_name".to_string(), "provider".to_string(), 1_000_000, "alias".to_string(), PathBuf::from("/mnt"), &device, )); let storage2 = Storage::Online(OnlineStorage::new( "root".to_string(), "provider".to_string(), 1_000_000, "root".to_string(), PathBuf::from("/"), &device, )); let mut storages = Storages::new(); storages.add(storage1)?; storages.add(storage2)?; let sample_target = PathBuf::from("/mnt/docs"); let parent = min_parent_storage(&sample_target, &storages, &device); assert_eq!(parent.clone().unwrap(), "storage_name"); assert_eq!(parent.unwrap().1, PathBuf::from("docs")); let sample_target_2 = PathBuf::from("/home/user/.config"); let parent_2 = min_parent_storage(&sample_target_2, &storages, &device).unwrap(); assert_eq!(parent_2.clone(), "root"); assert_eq!(parent_2.1, PathBuf::from("home/user/.config")); Ok(()) } #[test] fn test_expand_tilde() -> Result<()> { assert!(expand_tilde(PathBuf::from("/aaa/bbb/ccc")) .unwrap() .eq(&PathBuf::from("/aaa/bbb/ccc"))); let expanded = expand_tilde(PathBuf::from("~/aaa/bbb/ccc")); if let Ok(path) = expanded { assert!(path.eq(&dirs::home_dir().unwrap().join("aaa/bbb/ccc"))) } let expanded = expand_tilde(PathBuf::from("aaa/~/bbb")); if let Ok(path) = expanded { assert_eq!(path, PathBuf::from("aaa/~/bbb")) } Ok(()) } }