• Joined on 2024-04-19
qwjyh pushed to main at scratches/ml-test 2024-11-22 21:34:40 +09:00
dc399629ba done: training a simple LSTM
qwjyh created branch main in scratches/ml-test 2024-11-22 21:34:38 +09:00
qwjyh created repository scratches/ml-test 2024-11-22 21:33:38 +09:00
qwjyh synced commits to dependabot/github_actions/codecov/codecov-action-5 at qwjyh/QuantumLegos.jl from mirror 2024-11-19 13:40:13 +09:00
qwjyh synced new reference dependabot/github_actions/codecov/codecov-action-5 to qwjyh/QuantumLegos.jl from mirror 2024-11-19 13:40:13 +09:00
qwjyh pushed to main at qwjyh/dotfiles 2024-11-15 20:55:36 +09:00
5c0a268fe0 update(nvim): add keymaps for telescope lsp utilities
3a6eda6c77 change(colorscheme): use catppuccin latte (light theme)
Compare 2 commits »
qwjyh pushed to main at qwjyh/dotfiles 2024-11-15 20:35:28 +09:00
c10ff130ce new(bat): add config & install script for linux
297445343d new(nvim): add typst-preview.nvim
c67a385937 new(nix): Experimental nix config
df46ec7453 new(lf): config installation for linux
2a7d1d80c0 new(lf): lfrc
Compare 6 commits »
qwjyh synced commits to cmd-status-2 at qwjyh/xdbm from mirror 2024-11-08 07:50:13 +09:00
qwjyh synced new reference cmd-status-2 to qwjyh/xdbm from mirror 2024-11-08 07:50:13 +09:00
qwjyh pushed to main at scratches/ffi_test 2024-10-25 16:50:33 +09:00
3e6b9bcdfa update README
qwjyh created branch main in scratches/ffi_test 2024-10-25 16:49:20 +09:00
qwjyh pushed to main at scratches/ffi_test 2024-10-25 16:49:20 +09:00
acbdce7e8b disable CI
3183a106c5 ffi example (from official lake repository (leanprover/lean4))
57fb134506 init
qwjyh created repository scratches/ffi_test 2024-10-25 16:49:10 +09:00
qwjyh pushed to master at scratches/doug 2024-10-23 14:32:21 +09:00
244ace87c3 argument for starting directory (completed)
qwjyh pushed to main at qwjyh/dotfiles 2024-10-22 18:28:15 +09:00
f5efb7cb66 refactor(julials): update docs & remove unused shell scripts
qwjyh pushed to main at qwjyh/dotfiles 2024-10-22 18:17:28 +09:00
ad4a9f53a1 fix(julials): fix sysimage update (remove func calls for printstyled in
qwjyh pushed to master at scratches/doug 2024-10-22 18:03:56 +09:00
de3fe6dd6d controlling the display of dotfiles
qwjyh pushed to master at scratches/doug 2024-10-22 17:03:13 +09:00
e2003d0898 rewrite with Monad transformer
qwjyh pushed to master at scratches/doug 2024-10-21 22:27:41 +09:00
8d6fc4d214 rewrite with custom Monad (without monad transformer)
qwjyh pushed to master at scratches/doug 2024-10-21 12:37:44 +09:00
3124f2bf78 before creating custom monad & lake script to run main