import Cli def name := "hoge" open Cli /--- Handler --/ def runExampleCmd (p : Parsed) : IO UInt32 := do let input : String := p.positionalArg! "input" |>.as! String let outputs : Array String := p.variableArgsAs! String IO.println <| "Input: " ++ input IO.println <| "outputs: " ++ toString outputs if p.hasFlag "verbose" then IO.println "Flag `--verbose` was set." if p.hasFlag "invert" then IO.println "Flag `--invert` was set." if p.hasFlag "optimize" then IO.println "Flag `--optimize` was set." let priority : _ := p.flag! "priority" |>.as! Nat IO.println <| "Flag `--priority` always has at least a default value: " ++ toString priority if p.hasFlag "module" then let moduleName : _ := p.flag! "module" |>.as! ModuleName IO.println s!"Flag `--module` was set to `{moduleName} ." if let some setPathsFlag := p.flag? "set-paths" then IO.println <| toString <|! (Array String) return 0 def installCmd := `[Cli| installCmd NOOP; "installCmd provides an example for a subcommand without flags or arguments that does nothing. " ++ "Versions can be omitted." ] def testCmd := `[Cli| testCmd NOOP; "testCmd provides another example for a subcommand without flags or arguments that does nothing." ] def exampleCmd : Cmd := `[Cli| exampleCmd VIA runExampleCmd; ["0.0.1"] "This string denotes the description of `exampleCmd`." FLAGS: verbose; "Declares a flag `--verbose`. This is the description of the flag." i, invert; "Declares a flag `--invert` with an associated short alias `-i`." o, optimize; "Declares a flag `--optimize` with an associated short alias `-o`." p, priority : Nat; "Declares a flag `--priority` with an associated short alias `-p` " ++ "that takes an argument of type `Nat`." module : ModuleName; "Declares a flag `--module` that takes an argument or type `ModuleName` " ++ "which can be used to reference Lean modules like `Init.Data.Array` " ++ "or Lean files using a relative path like `Init/Data/Array.lean`." "set-paths" : Array String; "Declares a flag `--set-paths` " ++ "that takes an argument of type `Array Nat`. " ++ "Quotation marks allow the use of hyphens." ARGS: input : String; "Declares a positional argument " ++ "that takes an argument of type `String`." ...outputs : String; "Declares a variable argument ... " ++ "that takes an arbitrary amount of arguments of type `String`." SUBCOMMANDS: installCmd; testCmd -- The EXTENSIONS section denotes features that were added as an external extension to the library. -- `./Cli/Extensions.lean` provides some commonly useful examples. EXTENSIONS: author "qwjyh"; defaultValues! #[("priority", "0")] ]