
44 lines
742 B

# dotfiles
my dotfiles
# Environments
- Windows 11
- pwsh
- AHK macro
- wezterm
- etc
- Ubuntu 20.04 on WSL
- fish
- Manjaro
- fish
- tmux
- neovim
- x11 keyboard config
- alacritty
- wezterm
## extra
- okular
# Installing
## Windows
1. update winget (via MS store)
2. install Git for Windows via winget
3. install pwsh via winget
4. set execution policy
5. install [scoop]( (see scoop website)
6. run `bin/install.ps1`
## Linux
1. install fish
2. run
- Iron.nvim doesn't work for julia on Windows
- JET.nvim doesn't work on windows
- tree-sitter of lua doesn't work on windows
- checkhealth errors
- make install script for Linux
- add rc files of Manjaro
- raspi dotfiles